Some recent changes in my beloved Lenco.
First mod was Werner's collar with washers. Definetly less wobbling.
But i need to replace the idler wheel in a future
But few days later my Lenco is on a "servicing jig" (in my case it's two horse/donkey pannier boxes) again.
The reason is clear
However, long Sien's bearing is way long even for my many layered plinth.
So some changes are needed.
The first is a hole in the bottom lid which keeps the motor island (sorry for bad quiality pics!)
Also, the lead layer has to be partly cut out
then, this long and heavy bearing needs a support.
I know a few LH fellows did that before and i guess it's a good mod.
thick steel blade (rather soft) drilled and threaded with bolt and screw-nut
mounted all together ...
and installed ...
it gives a perfect support from below
I'm surprised that Lenco pan, well screwed to the plinth, still slightly (however less than 1mm) bends up when i tight the bolt under the bearing.
So a good support for the bearing is obviously needed.
Also i polished the rim of pan as it's a bit rusty already in my moister climate condition.
And finally everything is up and playing.