Hi, Lencoheaveners!
I doubted should I start this thread or not. The chance of fail is too high and I do not have enough time and skills to finish this project in reasonable time.
But LH community is so friendly and this is a good opportunity to get some experience scores
even if the goal wasn't reached.
So, here we go…
You may notice already – winter is coming (c).
Thinking what to fill my time up and hands I have checked my tract and realized that speakers are the weakest element of the whole chain.
Frankly speaking, it's rather entire weak, but my wallet is the weakest element no doubt otherwise I would just buy a couple of good
cabinets rather than spending my precious time with jigsaw and router (he-he, I do not believe it myself - hands need some job which
should be differ from that with hand drill pattern).
Checking (reading mostly) about internet sound of different types of cabinets, neither more nor less than back loaded horns with full
range drivers attracted my attention. Man, I know how high I have put my goal, but as I could not listen them somewhere around
to check whether this was my sound or not, I have decided to build them.
Bought a router (180 bucks), new jigsaw (100 bucks)- the previous one passed away during deck building.
2 sheets of MDF (19mm), 4 of birch plywood (21mm) and 10 of plywood (3 mm) cost me 420 bucks.
Two Goodmans Axiette 8 inch drivers from Albion took away 240 bucks more.
plus router bids, jigsaw blades, some more screw clamps, glue and other little things..
Totally it already costs me near a grand. Hmm.. may be the idea of buying cabinets was not so bad, was it?
As I know nothing about two or more drivers' adjustment by filters, one full range driver per cabinet is my way.
However 8" axiette doesn't seem to fit well for my idea of BLH as its Qst is relatively high – 0.5 – 0.75 (data from i-net) for BLH. But I will try.
The project of BLH (model 3a) was taken from well-known in Russian segment of internet master, named Sergey 'Normann'.
See post #3 here:
Audioportal.su So, the idea is to get a nice couple of these (or similar): the picture was stolen from net
printed out the layout
got two huge sheets of rather thick MDF
i had to cut them before taken them inside of workshop
here the sheets are already a reasonable size
now i need to cut all that templates
i think it will take ages,