Here you will find all the documentation relating to the Nigel's Speed Controller PCB.
Information will be added as it becomes available!
All documents are subject to change! Always check you have the latest version before starting anything (all documents have an issue number at the foot of each page)Parts Lists - please also read all additional information below!You can download the
UK/EU version of the parts list here - peut télécharger la liste des composants en Français là - can download the
US/Canada version of the parts list here - list additional information1. All parts (except the XR2206 integrated circuit) can be purchased from Farnell. Farnell order codes are given on the parts list. To order, visit and select your country. In most countries, Farnell will accept orders from hobbyists, but not all. If your local Farnell will not accept your order, or in case of other problems, you can always order from
Farnell Export in the UK, who will ship worldwide. In the US & Canada, you can order from Newark and the US/Canada version of the parts list gives Newark order codes.
2. The column "order quantity" on the component list sometimes indicates more parts than are actually needed. This is because Farnell have a minimum order quantity on all parts. Newark are more flexible in this respect, so those in the US and Canada will find that they do not have to over-order many of the parts.
3. The XR2206 IC can be purchased from ebay, but this part is now obsolete from the manufacturer and many parts being sold on ebay are counterfeit or faulty.
I have been trying to maintain a supply of good, tested devices for sale - see ad in Traders' section.
4. You can build a controller with 1, 2 or 3 speeds. (33/45/78 rpm)
The potentiometers for speed control may be mounted on the PCB and, if you are building a 2-speed controller, a PCB-mounted toggle switch can be used for speed selection, as below -

This is the simplest and cheapest method, the potentiometers are of the screwdriver-adjustment type, so the PCB must be mounted so that the potentiometers and switch can be accessed through the front panel, like this -

These parts are listed on the parts list and the values given for a 2-position switch are for a toggle switch
However, if you want to build a 3-speed controller
OR would prefer to mount the speed selection switch off the PCB
then additional parts are needed, which must be wired to the PCB as follows (note: if you build with a rotary switch, but only use 2 positions instead of 3, then you still need to fit the values listed for a 3-position rotary switch).

This allows the controls to be mounted on the front panel of the unit, as below -

The potentiometers used must be 10K ohm linear, 10-turns or more, otherwise the controller will be difficult to adjust.
Example (Farnell) - will require one potentiometer for each speed. (These replace R9, R10 & R13 on the PCB)
The speed selection switch should be of the rotary type, 2 -pole and MUST be of the MAKE-BEFORE-BREAK or SHORTING type.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!. Failure to observe this point will result in the destruction of your controller! (This replaces SW1 on the PCB)
Example (Farnell) - amplitude (output voltage) control may also be replaced with a 20/22K Linear 10-turn potentiometer, similar to those used for the speed control, which replaces R15 on the PCB.
Example (Farnell) - : you may be able to find suitable 10-turn potentiometers on ebay at a substantial cost saving. I can't recommend any particular supplier, but I have had good experience in the past buying directly from suppliers in China, albeit that they take a long time to arrive...
For US and Canada onlyThe transformers specified on the parts list are made by Triad Magnetics, who have many distributors in the US other than Newark. I do not recommend that you purchase the transformers from Newark. Both are cheaper (and in stock!) at Digikey or visit the Triad Magnetics website and find the nearest distributor in your state. Alternatively, the transformers can be purchased from other suppliers - see below.
The heatsink specified on the US parts list is different to the one specified for Europe, as Newark do not stock a direct equivalent and ordering the UK part incurs an extra $20 shipping. The Newark part is expensive and I have not tested it myself for suitability. Instead, I recommend purchasing a heatsink from ebay - see "alternative sources" below.
The toggle switch SW1 (see first photo above) is only available from UK stock, Newark do not have any equivalent in US stock. This means that this part incurs an additional $20 freight charge. Unless some clever person can find an equivalent from another supplier, then I guess no-one in the US or Canada is going to use the PCB-mounted toggle switch option for speed selection ...
Alternative sourcesAlthough Farnell (or Newark in the US) stock most of the parts needed for the project, some of the larger and more expensive parts can be bought from other suppliers and may be substantially cheaper. In particular, the transformers and heatsink.
HeatsinkFor the heatsink, there are many available on ebay. A good size is around 140 x 81 x 44mm - you should be able to find this one by searching "heatsink LM3886". Be careful though, there are many smaller heatsinks available, so check the sizes carefully!
TransformersThere are many suppliers of suitable transformers for the controller, the generic specifications are as below -
Supply transformerType : toroidal, flying leads
Primary winding : 1 x 230V or 2 x 115V (UK/EU and other 230V territories)
: 1 x 115V or 2 x 115V (US/Canada and other 115V territories)
Secondary winding : 2 x 22V or 2 x 24V (the lower voltage is preferred)
Rated power : 63VA
minimumOutput transformerType : toroidal, flying leads
Primary winding : 1 x 230V or 2 x 115V (for nominal 230V output)
: 1 x 115V or 2 x 115V (for nominal 115V output)
Secondary winding : 2 x 15V
Rated power : 80VA
minimumSchematics / circuit diagramsCircuit diagrams of the PCB can be downloaded here -
Page 1 - 2 - 3 -"Assembly aid"Download and print, to help to locate components on the PCB -
1:1 - - instructionsDetailed instructions for assembling the PCB and the finished unit!
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - to choose a caseSome notes on how to choose a suitable case- LinksHere I will post any links which may be of interest.
Firstly, these two, concerning the mounting of power semiconductors (like the chip amps used in the controller!)
Thanks to Piero (Gatto Murr), on Lenco Référence, for these - (see section 13 in particular)