As long as your spindle to pivot distance stays the same anywhere within that arc is ok, BUT just check where
You cartridge tracks, you don't want it over the motor it will pick up hum from it,
Mounting distance is 211mm, linn collar is 60mm wide, half that is 30mm to Center, 211 - 30 = 181mm
To EDGE of mounting collar , if you use a ruler you can sight along your arc @ 181mm to see where it looks best
When your happy with position then do accurate measure of 211mm mounting distance,
Overhang is 18mm and set with cartridge in head shell after arm fitted
Sounds tricky but it's not, take your time and if in doubt ask

I like the shape of your top plate, very nice

Linn arm is not bad ( i use one ) were not all loaded eh

Foot note,mine is the lvx basik plus but I think the collar is the same ie 60mm