As we can see the streamline design came in all corners of life halfway the last century.
This one could have been designed by Raymond Loewy f.e. All kinds of products did get
a form in this design, while it was hardly or not at all nessecairy. It was a kind of fake
design, because it was not based on science but just on looks. Cars looked streamlined,
but they weren't at all really that. It was a positive expression of new times in the future,
same like the Space Age after the launche of the Sputnick. The only purpose of it was
to boost sales. That was the real streamline.
A lot of products became 'streamlined' like fridges, vacuum cleaners, pencil sharpeners,
locomotives, cars, toasters, kettles, radios, televisions, etcetera. Even strollers.
So also this arm for record players.
In our time we have to do with real streamline science and we can see how boring that is
with the recent cars. More and more they become looking almost the same.
Thx for sharing, great article and great pictures.