I have a Quad 44 which I bought a couple of years ago. It's all standard and a mark II version according to the Dada Electronics website.

I have been doing some reading regarding the Quad 44 and I am unsure about the real potential of this preamp and whether I should invest some money in it before using it, or just sell it and put the money into something else.
I am also thinking about having a passive preamp made by BTE Designs as well, so have to decide on which to do first.
Either amp would feed into a Quad 606 MK1 power amp, which I bought earlier this year and immediately sent to Quad for a service, and they also upgraded the PSU to 909 spec.
I am aware that there is the DIY route with DADA Electronics
Quad 44 MKII DIY Upgrade and Revision kit Deluxehttp://www.dadaelectronics.eu/shop/quad-upgrade-kits/quad-44-mkii-diy-upgrade-and-revision-kit-deluxe-opa604-1I would have to get someone to do the soldering and upgrading for me
Redhill Audio
Elna Cerafine audio-grade electrolytic capacitors
Additional, high-quality Panasonic PPS film capacitor decoupling added to remove noise from critical areas
Solid Film MKS signal path capacitors
Unnecessary signal path capacitors bypassed for reduced grain and a cleaner sound
A well chosen blend ofLME49710NA/LM4562NA National Semi & Texas Instruments Op amps for better refinement and improved detailhttp://redhillaudio.co.uk/hifi-upgrades/quad-upgrades/quad-preamp-upgrades/quad-44-preamp-upgrade-stage-1QUAD 44 PREAMP UPGRADE - STAGE 2
Increased capacity Low-ESR Power Supply Capacitors
Output signal path capacitors upgraded to solid film types
Elna Cerafine Decoupling capacitors
LME49710 & TI/National Semi Opamps
Panasonic PPS Bypass Capacitors
2 x Red Hill Audio Mini-Shunt Voltage Regulators +/-15v
Signal Path Improved with Audio Wire "Silver Signal"http://redhillaudio.co.uk/hifi-upgrades/quad-upgrades/quad-preamp-upgrades/quad-44-preamp-upgrade-stage-2Amplabs who do upgrades as well.
http://www.amp-labs.co.uk/q44fs-a.htmRob from Amplabs serviced and upgraded a Quad 303 that I bought a couple of years ago
http://www.amp-labs.co.uk/servicing.htmHe originally serviced a Yamaha CR1000 for me which I stupidly sold a couple of years ago but he only works on Quad now I think.
I have read online that the Quad 44 suffers from the 4066 CMOS Chip which was originally designed for and used in the Plessey System X Telephone exchanges, and is naturally bandwidth limited.
Other issues include the use of the Op-Amp TL071 as was used in the 405 power amp.
With the modular design and ability to have different boards the Quad 44 could be quite an asset if it sounds any good. Are the MM and MC cards any good or able to be upgraded to anything worthwhile?
Any advice, thoughts or experience much appreciated