I am building a set up for playing 78 rpm records via a Mono tube amplifier and a mono loudspeaker and i came across a MBLE bbo 846 amplifier (philips) which was sold in the early days as a DIY set and consist off Philips components.
The photo's are not from the actual amplifier but from the internet.

The person who sells it lives not so far away from me and did almost his whole live restoring old audio equipment as a hobby and he also renovated this amp.
Now my question: the amplifier is made to work with a crystal or MD cartridge so i assume it has a build in phono amp for these carts, but since i have bought an original 78 rpm pickering stylus from Werner to use with a pickering xv-15 cartridge, is it then still possible to use it with this amplifier?
Hope you can help me with this.