Hi There!
It's my first post, but I'm reading a forum for a few weeks already.
The amount of the information you all share is AMAZING! Thank You all for that!
Back to the project:
L85 second generation electronic.
At first blik it looks nice. But with close lookup there are few things to fix.
When I get it, it turn and make a sound (one channel, and other was noisy)
Issues I found
A. Cover have some cracks in two places and some burning mark.
B. Plinth to replace or restore (someone do the crapy paint job)
C. Tonearm is a little rusty, but its moving smoothly
D. Antyskating is missing
E. Lift is stuckt and cracked
F. Pulley is dirty as hell (done - it's clean)G. Belt is from something else (is to loose and to narrow)
H. Base plate is not centric on the plinth.
I. Springs are soggy and do not keep everything at one level.
J. Turntable platter was cracked and glued by someone blind.
1. Speed was on another planet, to slow and not consistent (done - change all capacitors, and do the calibration)2. Some wires are not connected on both sides at tonearm.
3. Auto stop is not working.
4. Transformer is noisy.
I found a lot of answers already on forum, but have a few one already and more for sure to come