This is actually quite simple. The connectors must be tight and must not be able to slip off. Whether you use Klei, the older Bullet Plugs or their actual reproductions under the Star name, these will only fit firmly on the socket if it is long enough. Neutrik NYS 373 are simpler as well as cheaper and produce always a significantly better and stiffer connection to the socket.
understood. Thanks. Simple things are the best ones. Yes cheap Rean Neutrik are quite good mechanically. Easy to solder, rigid, No doubts. I just had spare KLE plugs so did currently test with Mogami 2803. I am happy - being quite skeptical to cable mess (own experience) this combination gave my some improvement. So as long as I am happy it works (in this case).
Closing - from my side - phono-preamp interconnect just finished production on Mogami 2965 (57pF/m) and Rean plugs cheap simple but solid/rigid. Cost me practically less than bottle of good wine. Tomorrow some listening.