The brown barrel that turns as the black lever interacts with it , turn it so it's on a less perished part as it interfaces with the sliding lever, it has to have a decent amount of friction as it moves another lever to interact with the sprung steel pin attached to the underside of the center of the platter bearing ,also there is a lever attached to the bottom of the tonearm that may need some adjustment . there are some post on here about it as it's similar to the gl78 ,do a search .
So I pulled the bottom cover and tried moving the arm with the slot both ways. Moving it toward the shaft seems to have done the trick. Now seems to lift consistently, though a little further from the center than I like. As long as the deadwax isn't very narrow it should be no issue. I have a couple albums that play all the way to the end of the deadwax., I can just turn the lift off.